
House Rules


Casting Spells

Prime sphere gives +1 dice for each level you have when making an Arete roll for casting. (rather than being required to fuel a bunch of stuff)


If you've got a cool description for how you're using your focus while casting a spell, I may give you a bonus die for your Arete roll. (example: Carrie describing how Hugo was putting together the "chemistry" components of the transmutation of water to air spell.)


If you use a focus for a sphere that you are allowed to forego (because of your Arete rating), your difficulty for your Arete roll is reduced by 1. (If you're using more than one sphere, more than one of which doesn't require focus use, and you still use them, you still only get to reduce the difficulty by 1.)



Everyone gets a starting capability to store 5 Quintessence. Levels in the Avatar background gives the capability to hold more (+1 per level).



Trait  Cost 
New Ability 
New Sphere  10 
Willpower  Current rating 
Knowledges  Current rating 
Talents and Skills Current rating x2
Attributes Current rating x4
Tradition Specialty Sphere Current rating x7
Other Sphere Current rating x8
Arete Current rating x8




• +1 language
•• +2 languages (total 3)

••• +4 languages  (total 7)

•••• +8 languages (total 15)

••••• +16 languages (total 31)

